Green House
We Make
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A home improvement remodeling project is something most homeowners will consider, at some time, over the many years of owning a home.   Homeowners may want to update the kitchen and baths or may need major work just to maintain the home is good shape and protect the investment. Whatever the reason take the time to look at all the options available.  
Our services are provided in an efficient, economical way that utilizes green building techniques to protect the environment and provide long term benefits, such as increased energy efficiency and clean indoor air.  We use a holistic approach to our work, considering the impact of construction on the environment. For example, recycling of materials is done whenever possible, which may help reduce the cost of a project as well as lessen the environmental impact.  We also work with renewable and sustainable energy sources, which can provide savings on energy costs for years to come. 
There are many options to consider for a home improvement remodeling project, visit our website for more information at There searchers will find information about us, about the services we provide, the building techniques we use and much more. Contact information is also provided; contact us any time with questions, concerns or requests.