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To much moisture in your home can reduce its durability and comfort. Though some moisture is normal in every home, excess moisture can accumulate and damage your homes structure. It can also encourage the growth of mold, mildew and other organisms which can cause health problems like allergies and asthma. If you notice musty odors in your home, or if you have a dark stains on your wall and ceiling, you should investigate the possibility of moisture accumulation.

Causes of Moisture:

  1. Leakage through the roof, around windows and plumbing leaks.
  2. Earth around your house.
  3. Homes with dirt-floored crawl spaces often absorb a lot of moisture.
  4. Lack of ventilation in moist prone areas like bathrooms.


  1. Protect your home from ground moisture by installing a ground moisture barrier.
  2. Protect your home from exterior runoff by sloping the ground away from the foundation and installing gutters and downspouts.
  3. Repair any leaks in your roof and sidings.
  4. Install ducting to your dryers that discharges moisture outdoor.
  5. Install exhaust fans in your kitchen and bathroom.